Thursday, July 28, 2011

Peace Always

     Happy to be me.
          Elated.  To be here.
              Enduring.   Through it all. 
                  At peace.  Finally. 
                       An amazing weight lifted off my shoulders. 
                            Like a dream, I love myself, I am at peace.                                  Alyce. At peace with the world.
                                      It's time to dance my way into paradise.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rock Beats Scissors

If you love yourself, watch out for self, take care of yourself, and truly believe in yourself; the actions of others will not shake you.  They may strengthen you.  They may teach you a lesson.  They may enlighten you, or make you happier, but when you are steady in your self, well, the rock always wins. 

"You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere."- Buddhist Saying 


 When you are happy, and at peace, you want others to do the same.  And even though things may not always go the way you planned, well, life shouldn't be planned. "We are the water not the rock"- The Big C.